Guided tour and wine tasting at the Gandesa Cooperative Winery, an emblematic building built between 1919 and 1920 by renowned architect Cèsar Martinell i Brunet. Cataloged as a Cultural Good of National Interest of the Generalitat of Catalonia, 2007 was declared one of the Seven Wonders of Catalonia.
€ 6 / person
1 h 30 min
De dilluns a diumenge (excepte dimarts): torns a les 10 h i a les 12 h. De dijous a dissabte: torns a les 16h
Celler Cooperatiu de Gandesa
Avda. Catalunya, 28 · Gandesa
Tel: +34 608 316 881 · +34 977 42 00 17 ·