Can you imagine connecting with mysticism and starting in the study of those who were the main cultural centres of the Middle Ages? The Costa Daurada (Golden Coast) was a cultural centre during this time in which a new type of monastic life, based on work and study, toured Europe. The Cistercian Order came from France and established in our regions. Administrative buildings, hospitals, chapels, artisan houses and farms were set up around the monasteries. Today, we can remember this medieval life through the Cistercian Route, a tour of three monasteries, Poblet - which is listed as World Heritage by UNESCO - Santes Creus and Vallbona de les Monges, the latter located in the province of Lleida.


Santes Creus


Did you know?

  • Poblet continues to have an active monastic community. Men can stay in the monastery and share the daily routine with the monks..
  • The monastery of Vallbona has preserved the community of nuns for more than 850 years and offers women the possibility to make spiritual retreats there.
  • If you are a true fan of medieval architecture, you must know that the monastery of Santes Creus és is one of the largest and most well preserved of the Cistercian monastic groups that exist right now in the world.
Ruta del Cister

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