Agenda Culture
Guided Tour of the Alcover Bandolier Route
Catalonia has been a land of bandits from the High Middle Ages until well into the 20th century. Alcover occupied a strategic place in the economic and political life of the territory during the 16th and 17th centuries, so it is no coincidence that it experienced strong local clashes between factions. The route recovers the memory of characters built between myth and reality: the bandits
Price: € 8,50 | free: children aged 0 to 15 years..
When: Tuesday to Sunday. Meeting point: Alcover Museum
Laguages: Catalan | Spanish | English (on request).
Prior booking required. Limited places (minimum 10 adults).
Carrer Costeta, 1-3
43460 - ALCOVER
Further information: | Tel. +34621 265 905