Agenda Culture

E.g., 20/03/2025
E.g., 20/03/2025

The Encamisada Festival in Falset

Tres Tombs Festival in honour of Sant Antoni

From 18/01/2020 - 00:00 to 19/01/2020 - 00:00


Declared Traditional Festival of National Interest by the Government of Catalonia.

Do not miss the processions of horse-drawn carriages of all shapes and sizes, driven by the people of Falset who are dressed in the traditional way, accompanied by the devils, the figure of the patron saint and the "hereu" and the "pubilla"; the animal benediction; and the mass in honour of Sant Antoni with the traditional benediction of the "panets" bread of Sant Antoni and the "jota" from falset dance.

Further information: -Tel. +34977 830 057 // Tel. +34977 831 023

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