Agenda Culture

E.g., 03/06/2024
E.g., 03/06/2024

Roca Foradada Festival

From 05/08/2023 - 22:00 to 19/08/2023 - 23:30


Festival Roca Foradada Festival Roca Foradada

This year, the Roca Foradada Festival brings together three concerts, featuring a compilation of indie music, world music, and singer-songwriter performances with Sergi Carbonell, Momi Maiga, and Meritxell Neddermann.

Saturday, August 5th: 22:00 | Sergi Carbonell.
Saturday, August 12th: 22:00 | Momi Maiga.
Saturday, August 19th: 22:00 | Meritxell Neddermann.

Tickets at

Further information: -Tel. +34977 644 580

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