Espais de reunión i serveis

Gran Palas Hotel

Carrer de la Sèquia Major, 5
43481 Vila-secaTarragona, Catalunya
Phone+34 977 374 248, Mobile+34 602 253 052, Fax+34 902 372 266

Located in a unique space right in front of La Pineda beach, Hotel Gran Palas 5* offers multipurpose and fully-equipped indoor rooms fitting for small groups to 1.000 attendees. Outdoor garden areas compliment the offer with a wider range of possibilities. The fusion of cuisines is another of our attractions: choice of menus ranging from finger food or mediterranean catering to a show cooking barbeque. To complete the 360° service, 137 elegant rooms offering superb comfort and all the details you would expect of a superior hotel, with a gym and the best well-know spa in Costa Dorada with 4.000m² of lavish water circuits with hydromassage, bithermic showers, saunas and jacuzzis. 


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